Glossary of terms
Available seat kilometres (ASKs)
The number of seats made available for sale multiplied by the distance flown.
Available tonne kilometres (ATKs)
The number of tonnes of capacity available for the carriage of revenue load (passengers and cargo) multiplied by the distance flown.
Average stage length
Sum of distance of each scheduled sector flown divided by number of scheduled sectors.
Air Services agreement between two governments.
Freight tonne kilometres (FTKs)
The number of revenue tonnes of freight multiplied by the distance flown.
Overall revenue load factor
RTKs as a % of ASKs.
Passenger load factor
RPKs as a % of ASKs.
Revenue passenger kilometres (RPKs)
The number of revenue passengers carried multiplied by the distance flown.
Revenue tonne kilometres (RTKs)
The revenue load (passengers and cargo) multiplied by the distance flown.
Seat Pitch
The distance between one seat and the same point on another seat directly in front or behind
Average hours flown per day.
Expenditure classifications
All salaries, wages and employee benefits
Fuel and oil
Maintenance and Overhaul
Materials, services and overheads
Aircraft and Traffic Servicing
Airport dues, aircraft ground handling, line servicing and loading
Passenger Services
Passenger ground handling, meals, inflight services & cabin crew trip expenses
Sales & Marketing
Commissions, advertising, promotions and marketing
Other Expenses
Tech crew trip expenses, safety, training, accounting, insurance, employee relations, property rental, foreign exchange gains/losses
Aircraft Operating Lease
Aircraft operating lease rentals
First freedom
The privilege to fly across another state without landing.
Second freedom
The privilege to land in another state for non-traffic purposes (eg refuelling, mechanical requirements) but not for the purpose of uplifting passengers or discharging traffic.
Third freedom
The privilege to put down in another state revenue passengers, mail and freight taken on in the state of airline registration.
Fourth freedom
The privilege to take on in another state revenue passengers, mail and freight destined for the state of airline registration.
Fifth freedom
The privilege for an airline registered in one state and en route to or from that state to take on revenue passengers, mail and freight in a second state and to put them down in a third state.
Sixth freedom
The privilege for an airline registered in one state to take on revenue passengers, mail and freight in a second state, transport them via the state of registration, and put them down in a third state.
Seventh freedom
The privilege for an airline registered in one state to take on revenue passengers and freight to a second state and to put them down in a third state without the journey originating, stopping or terminating in the state of registration.